Advanced Technology and Processes Solve an Industry-Wide Problem and Promote Sustainability

Our advanced FOX (Fat and Oil eXtraction) Technology includes specialized heat tanks and tricanter centrifuges to clean and then separate DAF skim into three distinct components: protein solids, oil, and stick water. The system is built, operated, and maintained by The Upcycle Company technicians who work on-site at each location.

Our Technology

Main components


FOX Technology On-Site Facility Components

"Innovative technological engineering guided The Upcycle Company to form a modern and cutting-edge process to upcycle waste sludge into highly valuable co-products. One of FOX technology's numerous benefits is its scalability as the process is easily modified to competently manage all volumes of DAF skim produced by food processing or manufacturing facilities."

Seth Peters, Chief Technology Officer


Contact us to Learn More About Our Technology and Services​